Thursday 4 December 2008

How Can Facilitated Groups Help You to Beat Depression

What are facilitated groups?

These are groups that are run by a professional facilitator. There are thousands of them to be found in the US. They range from groups for sexual abuse survivors, men's therapy groups, groups for recovering addicts, parenting groups, and groups that focus on recovery from various addictions such as workaholism, overspending, sexual addiction etc. Groups can be found in every area of the community. Doctors' surgeries offer groups run by nurses for giving up smoking; Christian centres offer groups for assisting a spiritual life-foundation; therapists offer groups for women who struggle in relationships. The list is a long one.

Like the search for a therapist, investigation and recommendation come high on the list when looking for a facilitated group. Having a therapist registered with an 'esteemed' organization does not guarantee good service. Ask around, interview the facilitator before going into the group, don't pay for more than one session at a time and leave if you feel unsafe. Be aware, though, that we can feel unsafe in any group - we have to try and discern what is our own historic fear and what is bullying in the room.

If you find a group with a proficient facilitator and you feel safe enough to come out of your shell and expose some hidden parts, the compensation will be enormous. This method of self-exploration is the fastest route to becoming whole, as it brings to light parts of you that you are hiding from others. This is because you are taking the risk of allowing others to comment on a part of you that you assume is shameful.

The exciting part is that others don't see it the way you do and they will give you a positive response. If they come back with shameful criticism, it is because they have struggles within themselves and it is then the facilitator's job to address that. Having opened up to this new type of dialogue, you will find it easier to risk something which you feel is even worse and, again, receive help and support on how to deal with that part of yourself in a positive sense. You will experience a sense of liberation as it dawns on you that there is no need to hide these parts of yourself from others. You will feel freer as you get the nod from the group that actually, you're OK!

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