Tuesday 9 December 2008

Rules for Eating When Depressed

Three Meals a Day and Nothing in Between

Many of us have found that sticking to this general rule has helped us get a grip on our eating habits. If we start by getting our meals in place, we will find that much of the chaos that follows those of us who neglect our eating habits will calm down. When I started applying this rule, I felt as though I was doing something wrong by eating three whole meals a day. But, having got a handle on that, I discovered that I felt good when I ate regularly and I felt even better when I incorporated 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

The plan starts with breakfast. In today's world, the pressure to be very slim is bringing us more stress than ever, and skipping breakfast seems like a good way to cut calories. But skipping breakfast is also a way of neglecting ourselves. By 11:30 we feel lousy and need a stimulant to pick us up, and so the cycle begins. No one escapes this because our bodies all work in the same way. You won't be immune to mid-morning hunger just because you are fashion-conscious.

For some of us, eating breakfast seems naughty or indulgent. We are used to ignoring what we need and it can take a long time to allow ourselves to eat well. But getting a good breakfast down us is one way to get the whole day's eating plan in place. If we mobilize ourselves to do this along with planning for three days ahead, we will see some remarkable changes in the way we feel. After a while of good and consistent eating we start to see some of the following happen:

We generally feel more balanced.

• We feel less depressed

• We have more energy

• We crave less junk food

• We sleep better

• We feel less stressed and anxious

• Panic attacks decrease

• We recognize the benefits of good eating which motivates us to continue

• We feel much cleaner inside and this has a profound effect on our emotional state

• We gradually feel our bodies change for the better

Dealing with cravings

When we are depressed, we crave things to medicate our feelings. In our darkest hour some of us can only reach for the chocolate, fat or sugar. But we can begin to plan a menu when our head is above water and we have just enough energy to see to the next three days.

The 'three meals a day with nothing in between' rule (including 5 portions of fruit and vegetables) will provide us with fewer cravings. What we then do is halve the amount of junk food we ate yesterday. In doing this we will feel even better on day two and we can halve again the amount of junk food we had the day before. Even if we maintain this for only three days, we will have the experience of feeling healthier and more vibrant. We can carry on the three-day plan in our own time and by our own choice.

This method of eating is easily incorporated into our day once we get started, and doesn't tie us down to a rigid arrangement that we can't adhere to, where we may find ourselves tripping up at the first hurdle.

In time we will come to relish the 'cleanness' we feel inside and we will see weighty fats and large amounts of sugar as unpalatable. We will have more energy and we might need to find more activities to absorb this extra energy.

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