Thursday 4 December 2008

What To Do When You Are Depressed to Move

When you are in a full depression, there is really no point in trying to fight it. It is like riding a bicycle with a flat tire. We keep getting off and pumping it up only to find that the tire is flat once more minutes later. We are better off just accepting the status quo instead of fighting a battle we can't win.The harsh words we tell ourselves are akin to falsely pumping up that tyre again, only to feel deflated soon after. 'What's wrong with you?' - 'Pull yourself together, you idiot!' - 'You're a useless piece of shit!' - are admonishments that won't help. At times like this, just stop, breathe out and notice the release of tension in your stomach. Accept the depression for that moment. Know that you are depressed and, just for that moment, are completely powerless to change it.

This acceptance will bring you a sense of relief. It will calm you down in the knowledge that you don't have to sort it out there and then. You can just relax and sit with the feeling of being depressed. It is not self-indulgent; it is honest.You are entitled to feel depressed if that is how you feel. You can still function and be depressed. Being depressed does not mean you are going to die; it means you feel depressed. You can cope with that for one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. You are not a freak, you are not unnatural, you are not worthless - you are simply depressed.

You are better off surrendering to your depression than try­ing to fight it. Like pushing wet sand, the more you push, the harder it gets. By surrendering you are putting your arms in the air and saying just that: 'I surrender.' Go on - try it. Just do it. You will feel the difference as you do it and you will feel some acceptance of your current state.


You must prepare well for this. You need time to yourself. It does not need to be all day but it needs to be at least one hour a day. However, the more time you get to yourself the better. You don't have to be on your own but you need to have little or no responsibility during your hour. Once this is organised, you must become aware of your duties for the week and cut them down to the bare minimum. If you have a job, take time off. If you have children, organise your routine as best you can to get as much time to yourself. You may feel that this is too much bother but also bear in mind how long you have been depressed and ask yourself how much longer you want to stay depressed.

At some point you have to surrender to the fact that you are suffering from depression and that you feel powerless over it. You have tried everything to change the way you feel and little has worked. For now, just admit that you are powerless over your depression - submit to your feelings.

It is vital for your recovery that you completely indulge in your feelings so that you feel saturated. This is because you have never allowed yourself to totally experience the despair and hopelessness that comes with depression. This is the goal of surrendering. We usually judge ourselves harshly for our state of mind, but this is the time for you to accept yours. This may be the most difficult part of beating depression because you have probably never allowed yourself to completely indulge in your despair. Stick with the simplicity of allowing yourself this time out.

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