Timothy: Timothy, age thirteen, had always been more difficult to raise than his siblings. He was very demanding of his parents and often picky about the foods he would eat and the clothes he would wear. He was easily irritated by minor changes in routine. He had temper "blow-ups" on a regular basis, despite his parents' administration of calm, consistent time-outs. He made friends without difficulty, but had trouble keeping them because his peers perceived him as being too bossy.
Timothy had never been a good student, but lately his grades had been worse than usual. Last year's teacher suggested an assessment for Attention-Deficit/'Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) or a learning disability. The psychologist who saw Timothy clearly did not think either of these diagnoses explained his difficulties. Timothy was not particularly distractible or impulsive, and his academic ability was above average in all areas. He did, however, become frustrated very easily when he was unable to master a task on the first try, responding with "I'm no good at anything!" and slamming the book shut. Timothy's difficulty was thought to be due to an emerging mood disorder.
Timothy's main risk factor for mood problems was his very difficult temperament. His parents were sympathetic, but they found his behavior frustrating at times. "The parenting courses helped, but they're not enough for dealing with this one!" reported his mother. As Timothy's temperament began to affect his functioning at school and with peers, his mood declined.
Interestingly, there was no major stress that seemed to prompt his deterioration in the previous year. More likely, he was simply struggling with society's increased expectations of more "mature" behavior with increasing age. For most people, maturity is seen as the ability to persevere despite adversity, and show a certain amount of flexibility and consideration for others. These behaviors would be difficult for Timothy to develop, given his rigid temperament and low frustration tolerance.
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