Taking some nutritional supplements may be the only way to obtain what is needed to feel well.
To attribute how we think and feel as being entirely due to the effect of specific nutrients would obviously ignore the wide range of influences that affect emotional and mental health. Yet much of the (often confusing and contradictory) nutritional advice in the media arises from scientific research which has been conducted by focusing on individual nutrients and testing them to learn their specific effects in particular situations. The scientific testing of individual nutrients may not always reflect how the whole mind-and-body responds to food or functions in everyday circumstances outside of the laboratory. Further, this process tends to highlight certain individual nutrients which then become better known for their beneficial effects, whilst giving less attention to other nutrients which may be just as important.
All nutrients function together in an extremely complex network of supportive and antagonistic relationships. It is likely that the nutrients most compatible with the human mind-and-body are those found in food, rather than the substances that can be obtained from nutritional supplements. Although not all foods in nature are harmless to humans, our bodies have evolved over millions of years because we have been able to adapt to what we experience in our environment. Whole foods (rather than refined or overly processed products) which have been grown with the minimum artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, are going to be closest to what the human body is designed to deal with.
Yet, because the amount of nutrients within foods varies enormously, and the soil on which food is grown can be lacking in minerals, taking some nutritional supplements may be the only way to obtain what is needed to feel well.
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