Overcoming depression is a matter of healing your physical and emotional self, but another part of you may be damaged, too— your personal spirit. When you're depressed, a place inside you feels empty. This place, that holds your personal spirit, needs attention.
Feeding your spirit is like having your own personal pep rally—where you shout out "Hurray for me!" You need to feel proud of who you are and what you're trying to do. You need to want yourself to win.
Instead of yelling at yourself, yell for yourself. Show compassion for yourself when you make a mistake. Pat yourself on the back when you succeed at something. Realize that you may have a bad day once in a while, but you can get through it and move on.
Ways to feed your personal spirit:
• Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Don't edit what you write—you don't have to show it to anyone.
• If you play a musical instrument or sing, make up a song.
• Write a poem, short story, or any other creative piece.
• Walk on the beach and listen to the waves and birds, or take a long walk through a forest or park. Hug a tree. (Come on, try it!)
• Volunteer your time at your local Red Cross, senior center, or another organization. Helping others is a great way to help yourself.
• Collect something you love. Think of a unique way to display your collection.
• Go to an art gallery and spend time looking at the paintings and sculptures.
• Paint, draw, or sketch a picture.
• Be creative in any way you like. Use a needle and thread, paper, ink, flowers, music, cloth, words, glue, or wood. Borrow ideas from magazines, other people, art books, hobby shops, or nature. See what's inside you, waiting to come out.
Spend time with an animal friend. Petting your dog or watching your fish swim around can make you feel very peaceful. If you don't have a pet, visit a humane society or help out at one.
Buy a plant that's easy to care for, put it in your room, and watch it grow.
If you're comfortable with praying, say a prayer.
Because you want good friends, be a good friend.
Make cookies or a meal for someone who has been kind to you.
Join a support group and go at least once a week. Learn everything you can about depression and your treatment. Become an expert about your own depression so you know how to get better.
Set a goal to do something you've always wanted to do. Plan it out in simple steps, write them down, and do step #1. After you've completed one step, you'll have the confidence to tackle the next step.
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