Monday, 29 December 2008

Depression Tips: How to Benefit from Exercise and Acupuncture


Exercise is the most effective way of physically changing how we feel, and it requires the most amount of effort. When we exercise, endorphins are released into the body and this boosts the mind and spirit.

'Exercise' is a huge subject and is personal to each individual. We need to give our heart a work-out to produce the 'feel good' endorphins that will occur as a result. If you are doing no exercise at the moment, then a fast walk three times a week may be what you need to feel better. However, if you are already fit, then a game of squash or an exercise class three times a week may be what you need. Many leisure centers now have well-equipped, reasonably priced gyms with qualified staff to help plan an exercise routine for you. If you're worried about how much exercise to start with, consult a doctor or a personal trainer.


If you aren't keen on the idea of jumping around in a gym, then yoga can be the perfect answer to getting a total mind/ body outing without having to sweat for it. It is calming, non-competitive and gentle. It is also perfect for relieving the symptoms of stress. Even the smallest towns have a yoga class somewhere as part of the local adult education program. There are many forms of yoga being taught these days, brought to prominence by celebrity endorsement, but the basic Hatha yoga is the one to aim for if you have never tried it before.

After a period of time, usually a couple of weeks, the benefit of exercise for those who are unused to it can be astonishing. Not only do the right chemicals get released, but stamina and strength increase. In turn, we carry ourselves a little taller, we feel fitter and our mood will lift.

Exercise may be just what you need to help you absorb the extra energy you will feel from changing your eating plan. However, if you find you only have the energy for one or the other, just take each task a day at a time.


A survey conducted by The Daily Telegraph found that scientists in fields ranging from molecular biology to neuroscience were twice as likely to use complementary medicine as the general public. Three quarters of scientific users believed they were effective, with acupuncture topping the list. The method of acupuncture -seems strange to us in the Western world, but it is really worth checking out. Personally I have found acupuncture to have an 'unblocking' effect, both physically and emotionally. I simply feel as if everything is flowing more freely.

There are ways to receive acupuncture for a minimum cost or for no charge. You can contact an acupuncture college through the British Acupuncture Council and receive treatment from the students under supervision. Otherwise, as with a counselor, get a good recommendation.

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