Monday, 29 December 2008

When Suffering from Depression, Develop Your Faith

Developing a faith in something will help you get better quicker by developing your trust. No matter how cynical we are, we are all better off with more trust and less control in our lives.

What does letting go entail? It means letting go of trying to hold on for dear life to things in spite of knowing that it is killing us!

What do we hold on to? We may try to hold on to another person, unwilling to let them go because we are scared of being alone. We may be trying to hang on to a lifestyle that we can no longer afford or keep up because we are frightened what others might say. We hold on to what is familiar for fear of facing change.

But what is the alternative? For many of us, self-control and control of others has got us nowhere except up a dark alley. We have been taught to be self-sufficient at any cost and to trust that only we can help ourselves.

It is when our backs are against the wall that we are perhaps at the point where we are most open to change. Putting in place an idea that we can rely on something other than ourselves will help us to free ourselves of the burden of depression. Relying only on ourselves keeps us stuck in the pain of depression, but reaching out in the belief that some-thing other than our self-control can help us will enable us to liberate ourselves.


If you have a belief in a God then this should be an easy step for you. Using your confidence, start to turn to God and allow yourself to be guided by Him. Start your day with the following prayer:

"I turn my will and my life over to you.

Show what is your wish for me

And how to deliver it in my life, just for today."

With these thoughts uppermost in your mind, you can start to let go a little. Instead of getting frustrated about something you cannot manage, take a deep breath and 'hand it over'. Instead of trying to push the boulder uphill, stand aside and let nature take its course, allowing it to roll down the hill. Allow the love of God to enter you, nourish and heal you.

Letting go of control and letting a God take over doesn't mean we abdicate our responsibilities. It doesn't mean we don't bother to work any more or wait for God to hand us Saturday night's lottery numbers. It means we 'plan but don't project'; we have aims with objectives but we don't force the result; we ask for what we need but we don't demand that someone else does it. We become clear about what we want and then hand it over to our God.

If we allow our faith to develop and grow we will begin to create an inner home to which we will be able to turn when we need warmth and comfort. We will gradually feel the need to control others and outcomes less. We will start to feel more secure in the knowledge that there is a bigger picture than we realize; one over which we have very little influence. We begin to need less control over things, as our faith grows stronger. We become less needy and therefore less frightening to others because we have created a little haven into which we can dive for nourishment. People will come towards us and offer gifts that we may choose or not choose to accept. In time, they will want to know what it is we have and want some for themselves. No one can violate this sanctuary and our trust will manifest itself as an aid to recovering from depression.

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