Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Facts about panic attacks

Panic attacks often begin during teenage years and early adulthood. The NMHA (2004) reported that roughly half of all people who have panic disorder develop the condition before age 24.
A typical panic attack lasts for two to 10 minutes but can even last up to an hour.

The aftereffects of a panic attack—anxiety-can linger for hours or even days.

In the United States, 1.7 percent of the adult population, or 2.4 million people, have a panic disorder in a given year, according to a 2004 report by the NMHA

The NMHA also notes that women are affected twice as frequently as men.

Fear of social situations cannot be treated by simply talking with a friend. In fact, because people with social phobias know their anx­iety is out of proportion to what the situation deserves, talking rationally does little to help. The best way to treat a social phobia is with the medication and specific therapy techniques that only a health-care professional can offer. Medications used for social pho­bia include certain kinds of antidepressants (even though the person may not suffer from depression). Therapy techniques for phobias include relaxation techniques and programs for gradual exposure to feared situations. The most beneficial treatments often combine med­ication with psychotherapy.

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